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Upgraded to Vanilla 2.0.14, great. This morning - Bonk :(

kyle789kyle789 New
edited November 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Last night I upgraded my Vanilla and everything was working great. Now I'm getting "Bonk" and I'm starting to panic. How do I fix this? It won't even tell me the error so I have no idea what to do.


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    And here is the URL

    I have angry Michael Jackson fans on my back now :)
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    go to conf/config.php, find the line that looks like this
    $Configuration['Garden']['Errors']['MasterView'] = 'error.master.php';

    and make it look like:

    $Configuration['Garden']['Errors']['MasterView'] = 'deverror.master.php';

    This will give you the error. Also, it will replace the Bonk error message with an actual error that might panic the users even more. So, better do it fast, grab the error, put it here and then revert the change.

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    Table './mjnewsal_van/GDN_Discussion' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
    select d.InsertUserID as `FirstUserID`, d.DateInserted as `FirstDate`, d.CountBookmarks as `CountBookmarks`, iu.Name as `FirstName`, iu.Photo as `FirstPhoto`, d.Body as `Body`, d.Format as `Format`, d.DateLastComment as `LastDate`, d.LastCommentUserID as `LastUserID`, lcu.Name as `LastName`, concat_ws(' → ', pc.Name, ca.Name) as `Category`, ca.UrlCode as `CategoryUrlCode`, d.*, w.UserID as `WatchUserID`, w.DateLastViewed as `DateLastViewed`, w.Dismissed as `Dismissed`, w.Bookmarked as `Bookmarked`, w.CountComments as `CountCommentWatch` from GDN_Discussion d left join GDN_User iu on d.InsertUserID = iu.UserID left join GDN_User lcu on d.LastCommentUserID = lcu.UserID left join GDN_Category ca on d.CategoryID = ca.CategoryID left join GDN_Category pc on ca.ParentCategoryID = pc.CategoryID left join GDN_UserDiscussion w on d.DiscussionID = w.DiscussionID and w.UserID = 1 where w.Bookmarked = :wBookmarked and w.UserID = :wUserID order by d.DateLastComment desc limit 10

    The error occurred on or near: /home/mjnewsal/public_html/forum/library/database/class.database.php


    226: if (!is_object($PDOStatement)) {

    227: trigger_error(ErrorMessage('PDO Statement failed to prepare', $this->ClassName, 'Query', $this->GetPDOErrorMessage($this->Connection()->errorInfo())), E_USER_ERROR);

    228: } else if ($PDOStatement->execute($InputParameters) === FALSE) {

    229: trigger_error(ErrorMessage($this->GetPDOErrorMessage($PDOStatement->errorInfo()), $this->ClassName, 'Query', $Sql), E_USER_ERROR);

    230: }

    231: } else {

    232: $PDOStatement = $this->Connection()->query($Sql);

    233: }


    [/home/mjnewsal/public_html/forum/library/database/class.database.php:229] PHP::Gdn_ErrorHandler();

    [/home/mjnewsal/public_html/forum/library/database/class.sqldriver.php:1584] Gdn_Database->Query();

    [/home/mjnewsal/public_html/forum/library/database/class.sqldriver.php:639] Gdn_SQLDriver->Query();

    [/home/mjnewsal/public_html/forum/applications/vanilla/models/class.discussionmodel.php:164] Gdn_SQLDriver->Get();

    [/home/mjnewsal/public_html/forum/applications/vanilla/modules/class.bookmarkedmodule.php:29] DiscussionModel->Get();

    [/home/mjnewsal/public_html/forum/applications/vanilla/controllers/class.discussionscontroller.php:89] BookmarkedModule->GetData();

    [/home/mjnewsal/public_html/forum/library/core/class.dispatcher.php:297] DiscussionsController->Index();

    [/home/mjnewsal/public_html/forum/index.php:38] Gdn_Dispatcher->Dispatch();

    Variables in local scope:

    [Sql] 'select d.InsertUserID as `FirstUserID`, d.DateInserted as `FirstDate`, d.CountBookmarks as `CountBookmarks`, iu.Name as `FirstName`, iu.Photo as `FirstPhoto`, d.Body as `Body`, d.Format as `Format`, d.DateLastComment as `LastDate`, d.LastCommentUserID as `LastUserID`, lcu.Name as `LastName`, concat_ws(\' → \', pc.Name, ca.Name) as `Category`, ca.UrlCode as `CategoryUrlCode`, d.*, w.UserID as `WatchUserID`, w.DateLastViewed as `DateLastViewed`, w.Dismissed as `Dismissed`, w.Bookmarked as `Bookmarked`, w.CountComments as `CountCommentWatch`
    from GDN_Discussion d
    left join GDN_User iu on d.InsertUserID = iu.UserID
    left join GDN_User lcu on d.LastCommentUserID = lcu.UserID
    left join GDN_Category ca on d.CategoryID = ca.CategoryID
    left join GDN_Category pc on ca.ParentCategoryID = pc.CategoryID
    left join GDN_UserDiscussion w on d.DiscussionID = w.DiscussionID and w.UserID = 1
    where w.Bookmarked = :wBookmarked
    and w.UserID = :wUserID
    order by d.DateLastComment desc
    limit 10'

    [InputParameters] array (
    ':wBookmarked' => '1',
    ':wUserID' => '1',

    [Options] array (
    'ReturnType' => 'DataSet',

    [PDOStatement] array (
    'queryString' => 'select d.InsertUserID as `FirstUserID`, d.DateInserted as `FirstDate`, d.CountBookmarks as `CountBookmarks`, iu.Name as `FirstName`, iu.Photo as `FirstPhoto`, d.Body as `Body`, d.Format as `Format`, d.DateLastComment as `LastDate`, d.LastCommentUserID as `LastUserID`, lcu.Name as `LastName`, concat_ws(\' → \', pc.Name, ca.Name) as `Category`, ca.UrlCode as `CategoryUrlCode`, d.*, w.UserID as `WatchUserID`, w.DateLastViewed as `DateLastViewed`, w.Dismissed as `Dismissed`, w.Bookmarked as `Bookmarked`, w.CountComments as `CountCommentWatch`
    from GDN_Discussion d
    left join GDN_User iu on d.InsertUserID = iu.UserID
    left join GDN_User lcu on d.LastCommentUserID = lcu.UserID
    left join GDN_Category ca on d.CategoryID = ca.CategoryID
    left join GDN_Category pc on ca.ParentCategoryID = pc.CategoryID
    left join GDN_UserDiscussion w on d.DiscussionID = w.DiscussionID and w.UserID = 1
    where w.Bookmarked = :wBookmarked
    and w.UserID = :wUserID
    order by d.DateLastComment desc
    limit 10',

    And sorry for the layout. I don't know how to write php into a forum post :S

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    edited November 2010
    I have the same error. When I click on preview of the skin is another mistake. My site works only on default skin. I can not have different skins, because it is an error "bonk".

    Now I turned the OpenID plugin, and when I want to log on to my page I got an error "bonk".
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    LincLinc Detroit Admin
    @kyle789 That's a MySQL error; you need to repair your Discussion table. You can do this via phpMyAdmin, or contact your host for assistance.
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    LincLinc Detroit Admin
    edited November 2010
    @giki That is not the same issue. Follow cdavid's advice and then post the result in a new discussion.
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    But I don't understand why that's now a problem. It was fine on my old Vanilla? Can you please advise me what exactly it is I need to do?
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    I installed the new, clean install, not upgraded. And it's ok
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    LincLinc Detroit Admin
    MySQL isn't flawless; sometimes tables get screwed up. Possible causes in order of probability:

    1) It's an anomaly. Sometimes a table just needs to be repaired.
    2) It's a hardware issue. Maybe the server's hard drive is starting to have issues.
    3) It's a software issue. Something about your configuration / or traffic load caused the error.

    It'd say #1 is four times as likely as #2, and #2 is four times more likely than #3.
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    Thanks for your help @Lincoln! Turns out it was a problem with Hostgator, they fixed it in about two minutes.
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