Search Function not working

edited September 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

We just installed Vanilla and the search function does not work. We've typed in keywords from topic titles, and keywords from the body of text, but there are no results.

Is this a known bug?



  • TimTim Vanilla Staff
    If you have a low number of posts in your forum, you'll likely run into mysql full text search's "50% or more" limitation. If the word you search for is found in 50% or more of the results, it is discarded (along with any results it caused to be retrieved). So few posts means that the 50% rule will almost always trigger, and you'll appear to see no results.

    If you think about it though, in cases like this you'll have 5-10 discussions at most. Hardly a need for search, then.

    Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]

  • Ok thanks Tim. We are just testing everything before launch, and were not sure if this feature was working.

    The only other "bug" we are experiencing is with RSS feeds via the Feed plugin. We have yet to find feed that appears on the forum. Most are XML feeds like:

    Have posted this in the feed topic but have not got a solution yet..
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