How can I change a module without editing the core?

edited July 2012 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

I would like to change the asset target in


found in applications/vanilla/modules

I've tried copying over the modules folder to my theme folder, and I've tried putting the edited file in about every place in my theme I can think of, to no avail.

The change works fine when I edit the original file, but obviously that isn't ideal.

Am I going about this all wrong, or just missing something obvious?



  • I'll try one gentle nudge with this, now that the working week has started...

  • Vanilla Staff

    This isn't an easy thing to do right now unfortunately. Two methods I can think of.

    1. Switch the asset target in an event handler.
    public function Base_Render_Before($Sender, $Args) {
        if (isset(Gdn::Controller()->Assets['Panel']['CategoriesModule'])) {
             Gdn::Controller()->AddModule('CategoriesModule', 'Content');
    1. Just include the categories module manually in a theme. First disable the categories module in dashboard/categories. Then add the following to your default.master.tpl:
    {module name="CategoriesModule"}
  • MVP
    edited July 2012

    Since nobody has bitten - a wild guess to modify it to content in the

    maybe use this event in theme hooks or a plugin.

     $this->AddModule('CategoryControllerModule', 'Content');

    or somebody will correct the above.

    edited: While I was posting somebody had bitten.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • Thanks @Todd and @peregrine

    I shall have a play with those.

  • @Todd

    Brilliant, as always!

    That first suggestion worked like a charm.

    Thanks again for the help.

    @Peregrine - thanks for being prepared to 'have a go'!

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