Tutorial: A Fool Proof Way to do a Vanilla Upgrade from 2.1 to 2.2

edited November 2015 in Tutorials

Don't skip any steps, or take shortcuts

pay attention to steps 5, 6, 7, and 8 - this is where most people run into problems by failing to disable plugins, apps, etc.
if you are lucky - you could skip 5-8 but if you are reading this you may not have been lucky, so you might as well follow steps 5-8.

1) Ensure your vanilla 2.1 forum is working properly.
2) Upgrade your php version to php 5.3 if not already at a minimum of php 5.3
3) you can use phpinfo(_) to get info. (see the FAQ link below)
4) After you are proper version of php test your forum
5) NOW - disable plugins via the dashboard (yes via the dashboard not via config.php)
6) also disable extra applications from the dashboard (do NOT disable Vanilla or Conversations)
7) change to the default theme or bittersweet theme.
8) if you created and bootstrap.early.php, bootstrap.before.php, or bootstrap.late.php (copy them to your local pc and delete them on server. if you didn't create this files skip this step.
9) copy your .htaccess and conf/config.php to your local pc and save.

you still have not upgraded ....
try a post and signin - now that you have disabled add-ons and switched to default theme.

if no errors proceed to the following steps.

10) Download vanilla 2.2 files and follow instructions in release notes announcement and the readme.
11) verify your .htaccess is correct.
12) delete the .ini files in your cache folder.
13) run /utility/structure as instructed
14) run utility/update as instructed - if you don't get successful , rerun a few times
15) if it isn't successful - you will most likely have problems later.
16) delete the .ini files in your cache folder. (for good luck)
17) if you still don't get successful or you get a blank screen you can troubleshoot see below.
18) if you still have errors - you can try copying 2.2 files again, perhaps you didn't copy correctly.
19) if no errors, enable plugins one by one and test if no errors
20) add any applications and test for errors.
21) change your theme.and test for errors.
22) troubleshoot if necessary.

To troubleshoot.

  • check for errors in error logs
  • add $Configuration['Debug'] = true; to your /conf/config.php file.
    if after adding $Configuration['Debug'] = true; to your conf/config.php and you see no errors.

  • if you get a blank screen with no errors showing you can change your index.php in your root folder.

change line in index.php


ini_set('display_errors', 0);


ini_set('display_errors', 1);

if you see an error number and an error - post the error on the forum if you don't know how to correct it.

when posting problems

post error message or problem.
state whether you upgraded
your operating system
your version of php
and if you followed steps 5,6,7,8

if you are not actively debugging a problem and you changed display errors in index.php make sure you change it back


ini_set('display_errors', 0);

if you are not actively debugging a problem , make sure you turn off debugging in conf/config.php

$Configuration['Debug'] = false; to your /conf/config.php file.

see FAQ http://vanillaforums.org/discussion/comment/233540/#Comment_233540 for additional help.

I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.


  • I want to add two things.

    For step 2, upgrade to the latest stable version of PHP for your operating system. 5.3 is the minimum, but it is already out of the security update window.

    The other thing is you should perform this on a test site to work out any kinks you find before you take down your production copy. If you insist on using your live site, at least lock normal users out using the update mode (or a plugin).

    Search first

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    Click on insightful, awesome, and funny reactions to thank community volunteers for their valuable posts.

  • Great stuff.

    Might I also add:

    1) Turn CloudFlare onto Development Mode (if you're using it)

    2) Delete the cache ini files and restart apache. That cleared up a strange "profile" problem I encountered (I made a separate post about it here:


  • I've read the README.md and the 2.2 release discussion and I can't find anywhere where it mentions:
    13) run /utility/structure as instructed

    I only see it mention:
    Go to yourforum.com/utility/update to force any updates needed.

    I'm not sure what /utility/structure does and if it's required to upgrade from 2.1 to 2.2?

  • I followed all the steps listed above and everything went fine, thanks @peregrine. B)

    In regards to my previous comment, I assume I was required to run the /utility/structure, as it ran many changes to database schema, but I still haven't seen where there's the instructions to run that command other than in this thread and in the FAQ:
    "- 17 What do I do if someone says run /utility/structure or /utility/update?"

    Did I miss it somewhere or is this just common knowledge or something? Thanks all.

  • this is the nicest tutorial ever! :)

  • @pdqlinux said:
    Did I miss it somewhere or is this just common knowledge or something? Thanks all.

    I didn't see it mentioned either, and now I'm wondering if I should just run it anyway... (flips lucky coin).

  • If I'm running a high-traffic forum, what's the best way to kick off all users while the upgrade is happening?

  • Sensational tutorial by the way, I've never had a 2.1.* installation give me a success page, but this one sure did!

    Well locally anyway, production will be another story...

  • @Simeon_Griggs said:
    Sensational tutorial by the way, I've never had a 2.1.* installation give me a success page, but this one sure did!

    Well locally anyway, production will be another story...

    Flawless upgrade in production, thanks again!

  • Hello. I am not an experienced forum admin, but my company has dropped it in my lap. I think we maybe have a super old version of vanilla. How can I tell which one it is? I just want to know if it can be upgraded. The forum was small potatoes and was not looked at as a good spam target, but now it is getting overrun and i have no tools to fight it with this version.

  • New
    edited February 2016

    Kudos from another Vanilla hosting newbie.

    One question though; I'm getting a Debug notice at the bottom of my index.php even though index.php has display errors set to 0.

    (clearly I'm not the only one - searching for this brought me to a bunch of underpopulated (new?) Vanilla forums with this same trace at the bottom)

    Debug Trace
    Notice Trying to get property of non-object in /var/www/html/vanilla/applications/vanilla/views/categories/all.php line 14

    This is line 14:
    $MaxDisplayDepth = c('Vanilla.Categories.MaxDisplayDepth') + $this->data('Category')->Depth;

  • In your conf/config.php file, set

    $Configuration['Debug'] = false;

  • edited April 2016


    If you are not aware, Notices are not fatal errors. When the debugging is turned on you may see warning notices these are generated when the code is not as tight as it could be regarding initialization and other factors. Ideally it would be great to get rid of notices by the developers of the code, but it will not affect you as an end-user and if all you see is notices in the Debug Trace (but not Fatal Errors), you should be ok to turn off the debugging. So turn off debugging when you are finished.
    It is also more secure to turn off debugging if you are not debugging.

    someone said:

    Some users had trouble understanding why /utility/structure was included in the directions.

    you said: "In regards to my previous comment, I assume I was required to run the /utility/structure, as it ran many changes to database schema, but I still haven't seen where there's the instructions to run that command other than in this thread and in the FAQ:"

    I assure you /utility/structure is in more than two places on the forum. I noticed that via google.

    /utility/structure is a subset of the update, but it allows an extra look at things. to enable you to troubleshoot things. that you might not see, if you just ran /utility/update.

    The steps above look to be a FoolProof way to upgrade (as opposed to the least amount of steps a newbie might be able to get away with.). The ultimate goal was to probably to give a set of instructions that if followed would pretty much guarantee a successful upgrade and ideas how to solve bumps in the road, if they were driven over.

    Also has tips on how to solve blank page issues when enabling plugins as well.

  • I've searched the forum and I'm sure the answer is out there, but I can't find it. Is there any way to make everyone's read/unread threads show up correctly in the discussions list? I ran /dba/counts and still no dice.

    Everything else is aces though. Great guide, and 2.2 kicks ass. Just upgraded from 1.1.18b, and using the Cloudy Pro theme.

  • you are awesome!


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